Josephi Langii Caesaremontani, shelfmark F f25 (1612) is a full leather bound volume sewn on alum tawed thongs. On receipt it was in poor condition with the spine of the textblock missing a large portion, leaving the spine folds vulnerable.
First the book was cleaned, creased pages relaxed and torn pages mended. In addition a back bead sewing was used to tack the original endbands in place. Once the textblock was stable a new point of attachment from board to textblock was needed. To do this I used sewing thread sewn around the original cords and slowly built up enough thread to create a cord. These new cords were then laced through the original lacing holes.
With the boards reattached a new Japanese paper lining was pasted on the spine with a flange extending onto the outside of the boards. Toned archival calf was then used to make a new leather reback and repair the board corners. The original cover and spine leather were then reattached to the rebacked book.